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Thrilling Showdown: Excitebike 64 Voted Ultimate Nintendo Box Art – Unleash the Excitement!

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In this edition of Box Art Brawl, the battle is on between Europe, North America, and Japan for the best box art of Excitebike 64. Released in 2000, Excitebike 64 is the second game in the Excitebike series. Both Europe and North America share a similar design, with only minor differences in layout. The Western design showcases the excitement of the game, with a racer performing leaps off a ramp. However, the Japanese design takes a more stylized approach, featuring a red and black background with a dominant image of the racer and the front wheel of the bike.

The Western design is praised for its representation of the game’s essence, despite some unused space covered by logos. On the other hand, the Japanese design stands out with its eye-catching composition.

In a poll, Japan takes the lead with 63% of the votes, while Europe and North America receive 37%.

Overall, both designs capture the essence of Excitebike 64, but Japan’s unique and striking approach resonated with voters. Whether you prefer the Western design’s action-packed depiction or Japan’s stylized composition, both box arts capture the excitement of this classic racing game.

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