Apple recently held its “Scary Fast” event, unveiling new chips and devices. The new lineup of Apple devices, including the 24-inch iMac and MacBook Pro, are powered by the M3 chip lineup, which boasts impressive graphical horsepower and increased CPU speed compared to its predecessor, the M1. The MacBook Pros also come in a sleek new color option: Space Black. Both models have a battery life of up to 22 hours and are available for pre-order starting at $1,599. Meanwhile, the new M3 iMac features a colorful design, a 4.5K retina display, and an improved audio system. Apple also unveiled that the entire event was shot on an iPhone and edited on a Mac, showcasing the capabilities of its devices. To watch the full event, you can visit Apple’s website.
*Why did we choose this article for headlines4happiness, what makes this news a good news?*
2. Powerful performance: The new M3 chip lineup is mentioned, which boasts impressive graphical horsepower and increased CPU speed compared to its predecessor. This showcases Apple’s commitment to providing powerful devices for its users.
3. Sleek design: The article mentions the sleek new color option, Space Black, for the MacBook Pros, adding a touch of style to the devices. The colorful design of the new M3 iMac is also highlighted.
4. Extended battery life: The fact that both the new MacBook Pros and iMacs have a battery life of up to 22 hours is mentioned, demonstrating Apple’s focus on improving the user experience.
5. Accessibility and availability: The article informs readers that the new devices are available for pre-order, starting at $1,599, indicating that they are accessible to a wide range of users.
6. Showcasing capabilities: Apple’s choice to shoot and edit the entire event on its own devices, the iPhone and Mac, underscores the reliability and capabilities of their products.
7. Easy access: The article highlights that readers can watch the full event on Apple’s website, making it easily accessible for those interested in knowing more about the new products.
Overall, this positive article presents the new Apple devices in an engaging and optimistic manner, emphasizing the impressive features, design, and accessibility, while also showcasing the capabilities of Apple’s ecosystem of devices.
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