Title: Adam Devine and Chloe Bridges Expecting Their First Child: A Joyous Announcement!
“Workaholics” star Adam Devine and actress Chloe Bridges have shared the exciting news that they are expecting their first child together. The couple, who got married in October 2021, both took to Instagram to announce the pregnancy and express their excitement. Devine playfully joked about his weight gain and expressed his dedication to being a parent, while Bridges eagerly shared her anticipation of starting their little family. Friends and former co-stars, including Blake Anderson, AnnaSophia Robb, and Brittany Snow, showered the couple with loving messages and well wishes. Celebrities like Mindy Kaling, Kimiko Glenn, and Francia Raisa also joined in the excitement, offering warm congratulations to the soon-to-be parents. Fans and followers can now look forward to updates from Devine and Bridges as they embark on this new chapter in their lives.
Word Count: 119 words
Key Themes: Adam Devine, Chloe Bridges, pregnancy, first child, marriage, Instagram announcement, excitement, love and support from friends and co-stars, fans’ anticipation.
*Why did we choose this article for headlines4happiness, what makes this news a good news?*
1. Joyful Announcement: The article focuses on the happy news of Adam Devine and Chloe Bridges expecting their first child.
2. Love and Support: The couple’s friends, former co-stars, and even other celebrities showered them with loving messages and congratulations, creating an atmosphere of positivity and support.
3. Excitement and Anticipation: Both Devine and Bridges express their excitement about starting their little family, adding to the overall positivity and joy of the article.
4. New Chapter: The article highlights that this pregnancy marks a new chapter in their lives, signaling a sense of growth and possibilities.
5. Updates for Fans: The mention of fans being able to look forward to updates from the couple emphasizes the inclusiveness and shared happiness surrounding this news.
Overall, the article spreads positivity by highlighting the happiness, love, and anticipation surrounding Adam Devine and Chloe Bridges’ pregnancy announcement, leaving readers with good thoughts and warm feelings.
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