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Debbie Allen’s Inspiring Secrets to Age-Defying Health at 73: Conquering the Santa Monica Stairs!

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Debbie Allen's Inspiring Secrets to Age-Defying Health at 73: Conquering the Santa Monica Stairs!
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In an interview with CNBC Make It, 73-year-old actress, dancer, and director Debbie Allen shares her secrets to staying healthy and well as she ages gracefully. With a family history of diabetes, Allen pays close attention to her diet, avoiding sugary foods and splurging only occasionally. She also emphasizes the importance of exercise, supplementing her limited dancing with activities like biking, yoga, and climbing stairs. Allen recognizes that managing stress and mental health is just as crucial as physical health, finding solace in activities outside of work such as watching movies and spending time with her grandkids. Her advice for staying calm and maintaining peace is to control what you can control and calm down about what you can’t. As an industry with high stress levels, Allen’s insights resonate and provide a guiding light for those seeking a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

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*Why did we choose this article for headlines4happiness, what makes this news a good news?*

Reasons why this article generates good thoughts:

1. Inspirational figure: Debbie Allen, a 73-year-old actress, dancer, and director, serves as an inspiration to readers, proving that age is just a number when it comes to staying healthy and well.

2. Health-conscious approach: Allen’s awareness of her family history of diabetes demonstrates her proactive approach to maintaining her health. This encourages readers to be conscious of their own health issues and take preventive measures.

3. Balanced approach to diet: By avoiding sugary foods while still allowing herself occasional indulgences, Allen promotes a balanced approach to diet that encourages readers to make healthy choices without depriving themselves entirely.

4. Diverse exercise routine: Allen’s diverse exercise routine, including biking, yoga, and climbing stairs, highlights the importance of variety and finding activities one enjoys. This encourages readers to explore different ways to stay active and makes exercising seem more enjoyable.

5. Stress management: Allen’s emphasis on managing stress and mental health showcases the importance of self-care and finding solace in activities outside of work. This reminder is particularly relevant for those in high-stress industries.

6. Wise advice on calmness: Allen’s advice to control what you can and let go of what you can’t resonates with readers, providing a simple yet profound approach to maintaining peace and tranquility in life.

Overall, this article exudes positivity by showcasing a successful and resilient individual who prioritizes both her physical and mental well-being. It offers practical advice and serves as a guiding light for those seeking a balanced and healthy lifestyle, generating good thoughts and inspiring readers to take care of themselves.

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